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Selectmen's Minutes December 2, 1997
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of December 2, 1997

Selectmen Present:  Chairman Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and began by announcing the votes taken at the Executive Session of November 18, 1997.  The Vote was a 5-0 vote to sign a memorandum of agreement for a firefighter regarding sick time buyback.

II.     Rotary Club presented the Hanson VNA a donation.  Paul Dias is here representing the Rotary Club in order to present the VNA with a check for $2,000 to help start the Hanson Community Christmas Club.  Dias explained that the Rotary has raised and distributed $12,600.  in the past year for the Town of Hanson.  They are the highest per capita money raising group.  Accepting the check for the VNA was Barbara Roberts who explained that the Christmas Fund helps families in need with clothes, food and toys.  Last year they were able to help 80 adults and 131 children.  If you would like to get involved or donate please call Barbara Roberts at 293-3843 or Gay Barrows at 293-9356.  Also, Holiday Cleaners donates a 10% discount on your cleaning for every dollar you put in the can at their store.  

III.    Public Hearing-Dog Complaint:  This hearing is being held under MGL 140 Sec. 157.  Chairman Flynn announced that those who believe they will be speaking during this hearing should raise their right hand to be sworn in.  After swearing in the Complainant Mr. Michael Kelly of 204 East Washington Street introduced himself.  Mr. Kelly explained that the problem started about last spring.  The Neighbors (The Nally’s) own 2 rotweiller dogs one is young and one is older.  The Dogs were left outside all day and sometimes late into the evening.  They would continue to bark to the point of disturbance and sometimes would get loose from their run.  Mr. Kelly explained that the barking is loud and vicious and his entire family including small children are afraid of these dogs.  Mr. Kelly also stated that his family was unable to use their screen house or camp out in the yard not only because of the disturbance of the barking but also for fear of the dogs.  Mr. Kelly also explained that Mrs. Nally seems to be understanding but the problem still persists.  They have spoken with the Dog Officer with no positive results.  Mr. Kelly went on to say that these dogs are kept very close to his house.  The dogs were first on a run but are now kept behind a four foot stockade fence but they are constantly trying to jump over the fence to get loose.  The Kelly’s also complain that they are unable to sit in their own family room with the windows shut because the sound of the dogs barking is so loud.  The three issues Mr. Kelly wanted to stress were: (1) Excessive Barking, (2) Fear of these dogs, including himself his children and wife. (3) The dogs are left outside all day while noone is home so the Nally’s do not have to listen.  

Questions from the Board Members:
Jones- When they are on a run do they break off?  Yes they did earlier in the year but this summer a fence was put up to contain the dogs.  The fence was close to his house but after the Dog Officer came he asked the Nally’s to move the fence further away and they did.  The fence is stockade about 4’ high.

Mrs. Nally of 192 East Washington Street introduced herself as the owner of the dogs.  She explained her husband had died and asked that she get a dog for protection before he passed away.  Her son moved in with her with his Rotweiller puppy to make it be 2 rotweillers in the house.  First they had an electric fence but this did not work.  They then got the stockade fence.  Mrs. Nally explained that she has been at home since October 1st and these dogs have not been barking.  Neither dog has ever bitten anyone they are trained to bark whenever someone comes near their property.  The Dog Officer instructed them not to let the dogs out before daylight or after dusk so they do not.  She also stated that she has timed the dogs barking and they bark 5 minutes for the Schoolbus and 3 minutes for the mailman.

Questions from the Board Members:
Webster:  How close is the fence to your house?  It comes off of my house and it is about 30 feet from the Kelly’s.  
Murdoch:  The dogs have not barked since Oct. 1st?  No they have not.  Murdoch had a letter in front of her she explained that it had a whole chronology of times the dogs were barking excessively.  Ms. Murdoch listed the dates.  Mrs. Nally answered they are barking to protect the property.  
Kuchinski:  You said the dogs were kept inside?  Mrs Nally stated they are kept on a screen porch with the screen open.  
Murdoch:  When you are not home the dogs are kept in?  Mrs. Nally explained that in the daytime the dogs are kept on the screen porch at night they are kept outside.  
Flynn:  Have you considered any training for the dogs?  Mrs. Nally replied the mother dog is too old.  She also informed the Board that the dogs can be stopped if anyone claps their hands twice.

Jay Walter of 163 East Washington Street introduced himself as a neighbor.  Mr. Walter wanted to attest to the intimidation of the dogs.  His five year old  child is also intimidated.  These dogs are outside a lot.   There wouldn’t be a barking problem if they were inside.

Webster:  Can you hear them from your house?  When they are outside they bark.  

Michael Chatsko of 1321 Main Street introduced himself as a friend of the Nally’s.  He wanted to state that the dogs do bark when someone goes by but it is not vicious barking, the dogs are very very lovable.  

Comments from the Board:

Flynn:  For the record, the dogs names are Rock and Chelsea

Murdoch:  The situation of having a loud barking Rotweiller can be very intimidating.  If one is in fear while in their own yard.  It seems these dogs are barking to the point of disturbance as 13 people in a letter have attested to.  She is concerned that the Kelly’s are unable to sit in their own family room or outside in the summer without being disturbed.  As a Selectmen she is concerned with a safety issue as well.  The dogs sound as though they are agitated and they may hurt someone.  Some further measure needs to be taken to restrain these dogs so they are not disturbing the neighborhood.

Kuchinski:  Do we have a dog officer report?  Nugent explained that he has spoken with the dog officer and he is not as concerned with the viciousness as he is with the barking issue.  Kuchinski asked the Kelly’s if they are aware of the clapping method of keeping the dogs quiet.   Mr. Kelly stated that although he was not aware of this method he does not feel it is his job to quiet the Nally’s dogs.  
Kuchinski asked the Nally’s if they would consider putting the dogs all the way into the house when they are not home.  Mrs. Nally answered yes.
Webster:  It is obvious the Nally’s have been making an effort and that should not go unrecognized.  However, if the barking is such a disturbance that the Kelly’s can’t enjoy their own home it is a problem.  Webster’s suggestion is that you make a greater effort to train the dogs so they don’t bark or keep the dogs completely inside the house not on the screen porch.
Jones:  I am a dog owner and would echo Webster’s comments and also believes they should put the dogs out one at a time.  Jones also asked that the dog officer keep the Board informed  as to the situation.
Flynn wanted it to be recognized that the Board has two letters that were not read at the hearing one is signed by 13 neighbors complaining about the dogs.  The other is in support of the Nally’s dogs.  Flynn discussed that the dogs could in fact jump over the fence.  He suggested barking collars, or tobasco sauce method.  Barking dogs are extremely annoying and as far as the viciousness, each person has their own perception as to what vicious is to them.   
Murdoch:  We have made our suggestions.  Flynn discussed continuing the hearing until January 13 and the Board can instruct the dog officer to pay particular attention to this situation.  Mrs. Kelly asked if she can expect the dogs will be kept inside when they are not at home?  Flynn replied that is what the Board has suggested.  Murdoch asked Mrs. Nally if she understood everything that has been said, Nally replied yes.  Motion by Jones to continue the hearing until January 13, 1998, second by Webster.

IV.     Town Hall Building Committee.  Carole McCormack  with a $150,000 Bond Anticipation Note to be signed by the Selectmen.  The BAN is for the Town Hall Remodel the interest is 4.5% until March 12, 1998.  The Board signed the BAN.  Jay Walter spoke on behalf of the Town Hall Building Committee.  They will be meeting with the architect  80% of the working drawings are complete.  They will go out to bid in January with construction to begin in March.  Kuchinski asked if the Board could be updated on any changes that have been made:  The Boat Ramp has been moved to the other side of Town Hall.  This is a remote location that will allow people to park with a trailer.  Kuchinski asked why this is a better location.  Mr. Walter answered that it won’t interfere with regular parking.  The natural grade allows for a ramp.  Jones asked if the turning radius is sufficient for the trailers.  Walter believes there is enough room.
The Building Committee also will be providing trash cans, benches etc.  The issue they are concerned with is maintenance.  They do not want to put in special areas that require maintenance if it will not be maintained properly by the Town.  Kuchinski let the Building Committee know that there are Eagle Scout Candidates in Town who are looking for projects, perhaps they can help with the benches etc.  Kuchinski also questioned the siding of the Town Hall , Mr. Walter explained that the Existing siding will be removed and replaced as well as restoring the trim.  Marylou Sutter, Town Hall Building Committee, reiterated the importance of being able to maintain the grounds.  Flynn stated that Mr. Nugent will be looking for the type of maintenance that will be required and the Bldg Comm. should try to take into consideration the design so that it will be easily maintained.
Mr. Sutter announced to the Board that Himself, Phil Wyman, Phil Hunter and Debbi Swenson have offered there services to the Town.  The Board thanked the Building Committee.

V.      Robert Sutter to discuss Vision 2020.  Sutter handed the Board information regarding the newly formed  Vision 2020 non profit organization. This group will be working on the future of the Town of Hanson particularly working on the Master Plan.  Mr. Sutter invited the citizens of Hanson to come to their next meeting on 12/10/97 at the firehouse at 7:30.  Mr. Sutter read the purpose of the Hanson Vision 2020 which is to provide the Master Plan process with a vision of Hanson as its Citizens would like it to be as we grow into the next century.  The Board thanked Mr. Sutter for giving the Town this information.

VI.     Selectmen Kuchinski to report on Factory Pond Meeting  in Hanover:  The meeting was held on November 18, 1997 at the Hanover Town Hall.  The meeting was to discuss clean up efforts at the Fireworks Site I (Factory Pond )  There is Mercury contamination and uncovered ammunition.  Right now there are cooperative parties of fireworks site in Hanover who have highered Foster Wheeler to investigate the site and to prepare a report of the site.  This process is already expected to take three years.  The cleanup will not be done in the next five years it is expected to take longer.  Factory Pond is still contaminated and the Board of Health will need to post “Catch fish and release them, contaminated”  signs along the pond.   If these fish are eaten someone will probably get sick.  

VII.  Jones reported on the Zoning By Law Committee meeting .  There were alot of people at this meeting to discuss what is happening with route 27.  This was a very positive meeting.  There may be some signage changes coming up.

VIII    Vote to sign renewal forms, licenses and renewal certification for liquor license renewals as follows:  Hanson Plymouth Liquors, 14-58 Liquors, Cahill & Driscoll, Olde Hitching Post, Hanson American Legion, Hanson A.A., Alfred & Paul’s, Cataldi’s Restaurant, House of Pizza, Hanson Tavern, J.J.’s Pub, Myette’s Country Store, Stingers Family Restaurant, Village Mini Mart.

IX.     Board to set meeting dates for February, March and April.  Kuchinski made a motion to schedule February 3,10,17,24 second by Murdoch.  There was some discussion about scheduling a meeting every week.  1-4 vote.  Motion denied.  Motion by Jones to set February 10 & 24th, March 10 &24 and April 7,14 &28, second by Webster.  4-0 Vote.  Kuchinski abstained.  Motion by Webster to set Jan 6, Feb 3 & March 3 as planning meetings, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

IX.     Action Requests:

Kuchinski (1) Requests that Carole McCormack take another survey for interest in a dental plan for Town Employees. (2)  requests the dog officer be present with a written report for any dog hearings (3) Roland Morse has requested an update from the Building Inspector as to the status of the Cool Pool Water situation.  Would like this put on December 16th agenda. (4) Request the Board write a letter of support to name the Taunton River and American Heritage River.  Would the Board consider. Flynn asked for some information. Webster:  (1) gave the Board an update on Water Subcommittee
Kuchinski: (5) Would like to invite the Board of Health to introduce the Health Agent.  Nugent reminded the Board they will be in at a January meeting if they would like to discuss both topics at the same time.  Kuchinski agreed this would be a good idea.
(6) the fire truck behind the station is an eyesore.  Nugent will speak with the chief again.

XI.     Executive Secretary Report:
The Budget process is beginning.
The office will be sending a letter asking all of the departments to submit to the Board any increases in staffing so that they may have time to look these over.

XII.    Request to go into Executive Session under item 3- non-union contract negotiations.  Motion to move into Executive Session under item 3, second by Webster.  Roll Call vote:  Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Webster, aye; Jones,aye; Flynn, aye.  
Motion Carries 5-0 vote. The Board moved into Executive Session at 9:00 P.M.

XIII.   The Board entered Open Session at 10:55 P.M.  Chairman Flynn announced no votes were taken during the Executive Session.  Adjournment:  Motion by Murdoch second by Jones to adjourn.  5-0 Vote. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.